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Brant Michigan Real Estate Trends by County

Avg. Home Value
Mo. vs Mo.
Ending 8/2024
Days On Market
Mo. vs Mo.
Ending 8/2024
        Brant Real Estate Demographics
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Month / Year Days On Market Trend
Aug, 2024 27 ↑%
Jul, 2024 7 ↑%
Jun, 2024 7 ↑%
May, 2024 -1 ↓%
Apr, 2024 63 ↑%
Mar, 2024 16

Avg. Bathrooms: 1.86
Avg. Bedrooms: 3.43
Average SQ Feet: 1,724
Average $/SQFoot: $0.16
Brant Real Estate  Comparative Market View Ending August 2024

Select  County Mo. vs Mo. Qtr. vs Qtr. Avg. Value

BAY, MI 0% 0% $0.00
CLINTON, MI 0% 2.22% $122,120.00
GENESEE, MI 0% 1.48% $267,673.68
GRATIOT, MI 0% 0% $180,000.00
ISABELLA, MI 0% 0% $0.00
MIDLAND, MI 0% 0% $0.00
MONTCALM, MI 0% 1.90% $294,083.08
SAGINAW, MI 0% 0% $114,900.00
SHIAWASSEE, MI -1.1% -1.1% $173,931.33
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Brant Market Summary

Brant's Population and Demographics:

The average home value for Brant, MI in Aug, 2024 was $149,043.00 which is down from the previous month by ($27,864.00) or 1.18%. The average days on market for the same time period was 27, down by -20 or 3.85%. The Brant, MI market currently has approximately 8 residential homes for sale, {CountRental} properties available for rent and {CountVML} vacant land or lots ready for new construction. The average price per square foot in Brant, MI is $0.16. The average home in Brant, MI as 3.43 bedrooms, 1.86 bathrooms, and is approximately 1,724sq.ft.
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