1162 glenn brook rd Twin Falls, ID 83301 Location: City, State or Zip Post Classified ad Search Twin Falls real estate for sale

1162 Glenn Brook Rd, Twin Falls ID 83301

Public Record ID: 0
Approximate Value
Not For Sale
Property Type: Residential
Street: 1162 glenn brook rd
City: Twin Falls
State: ID
Zip: 83301
Lot Size:
Square Foot: Undisclosed
County: Twin Falls
Age: Undisclosed
Area Schools: Bickel Elementary School
Property Description at 1162 glenn brook rd Twin Falls, ID 83301
this residential property is located at 1162 glenn brook rd twin falls id 83301. this real estate last listed for approximately $30,369. see top ranked math and reading proficientcy schools in this area. vera c o'leary junior high school, robert stuart junior high school, magic valley atlernative high school, - 1162 glenn brook rd Twin Falls, ID

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